ĐỒ HỌA VIỆTvectordf

Vector - Stock Photos, Free Images and Vectors

100+ Vector Icons Set

The original artwork in vector format is provided in .AI (CS3+) and .EPS (editable in Adobe Illustrator, Freehand, CorelDRAW and Inkscape) files.

Vector Icons Set

Also provided are individual files for each icon, in .PNG and .SVG format. The .PNG icons are 32px x 32px PNG-32s, black on a transparent background. The .SVG icons are 100px x 100px, with a black fill color.

The download file includes all of the icons in a large .svg, .png, .ai and .eps. fomart graphic.
Từ khoá: , , ,
ID: item_8022365687311199031
Giá: 99,000 đ
Giá KM: 9,000 đ
11:23 PM

0 Bình Luận

Thư viện Vector đẹp

Stock Photos

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